Morning session
- Kyu Jung Bae (Kyungpook National U)
Morning session
- Deog Ki Hong (PNU)
Morning session
- Changrim Ahn (Ewha Womans U)
Dark matter (DM) particles in the Universe accumulate in neutron stars (NSs) through their interactions with ordinary matter. It has been known that their annihilation inside the NS core causes late-time heating, with which the surface temperature becomes a constant value of 2000-3000 K for the NS age t > 10^6-10^7 years. This conclusion is, however, drawn based on the assumption that the beta...
We consider the cosmological relaxation of the Higgs mass and the cosmological constant due to the four-form fluxes in four dimensions. We introduce non-minimal four-form couplings for reheating the Universe after the last membrane nucleation and propose some simple examples with a pseudo-scalar or a complex singlet scalar field. We also discuss the implications of the non-minimal four-form...
I review attempts at constructing models of partial compositeness from strongly coupled gauge theories. A few minimality assumptions allow one to isolate a small number of prototypical models that can be studied on the lattice and probed at colliders. I review recent results in these
two areas, such as the spectrum from the lattice and two possible exotic signatures at colliders, namely...
Depending on the number of Fermions a gauge theory can have a behavior ranging from asymptotic freedom to asymptotic safety. I show the behavior of SU(2) gauge theory with 4,6,8,24, and 48 fermions measured from lattice field theory simulations. We observe limits for the lower and upper edge of the conformal window and measure anomalous dimensions for mass and coupling. We also try to...
We show that a holographic abelian Higgs model leads us to the Heun's equation, which is the same one derived for the bag model studied by Lichtenberg. The correspondence between two models resembles the AdS/CFT dictionary. The spectrum follows linear confinement for zero quark mass, while it is highly non-linear for finite quark mass. It can be traced back to the difference in the singularity...
Einstein gravity may be coming from the leading linear term of the curvature in the low energy effective action. As the simplest extension of the Einstein gravity with the higher curvature term, we study the model with the Gauss-Bonnet term, which is the simplest term allowing the equation of motion to be at the 2nd order. The model wi analyze is the dilaton Einstein Gauss-Bonnet theory. We...
We study supergravity BPS equations which correspond to mass- deformation of some representative AdS/CFT examples. The field theory of interest are N=4, D=4 super Yang-Mills, the ABJM model in D=3, and the Brandhuber-Oz fixed point in D=5. For these gauge theories the free energy with mass terms for matter multiplets is calculable in large-N limit using supersymmetric localization technique....