Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

19–23 Oct 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone

Identifying jets in the Lund plane

22 Oct 2020, 11:35
Regular talk 11 ML for phenomenology and theory Workshop


Dr Frederic Alexandre Dreyer (University of Oxford)


The identification of heavy particles such as top quarks or vector bosons is one of the key issues at the Large Hadron Collider. In this talk, we introduce a novel jet tagging method which relies on graph neural networks and an efficient description of the radiation patterns within a jet to optimally disentangle signatures of boosted objects from background QCD jets. We apply this framework to a number of different benchmarks, showing improved performance for Top tagging compared to existing algorithms. We study the robustness to non-perturbative and detector effects, and show how kinematic cuts in the Lund plane can mitigate overfitting of the neural network. Finally, we compare the scaling of the performance as a function of the computational cost for several methods.

Primary author

Dr Frederic Alexandre Dreyer (University of Oxford)

Presentation materials