Virtual DIRAC Users' Workshop
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This online mini-workshop will be devoted to the information exchange between the DIRAC developers, service administrators and users. Reports on the DIRAC ongoing and planned developments, service management tools will be included into the agenda together with the users reporting their experience. You are welcome to suggest your items to the workshop agenda.
Please note that workshop sessions will be RECORDED and the video made public afterwards.
Need help? Contact the organizers
- Akiya Miyamoto
- Alexandre Franck Boyer
- Andre Sailer
- Andrea Ceccanti
- Andrea Manzi
- Andrei Tsaregorodtsev
- Andrii Lytovchenko
- Anil Panta
- Carl-Fredrik Enell
- Catalin Condurache
- Cedric Serfon
- Chris Burr
- Christophe Haen
- Concezio Bozzi
- Dan Whitehouse
- Daniela Bauer
- Dhiraj Kalita
- Eva Santos
- Federico Stagni
- Feyza Eryol
- Frederic Gillardo
- Gareth Hughes
- Gerardo Ganis
- Gina Isar
- Gino Marchetti
- Go Iwai
- Hideki Miyake
- Hikari Hirata
- Hiroaki Ono
- I Ueda
- Igor Pelevanyuk
- Ingemar Häggström
- iulia cimpan
- James Walder
- Janusz Martyniak
- Jerome Pansanel
- Jiri Chudoba
- John De Stefano
- John Swinbank
- Jose Caballero Bejar
- Juan Luis Font
- Justin Guilliams
- Kristen Lutz
- Luisa Arrabito
- Maithili Kalamkar Stam
- Marcela Garcia Hernandez
- Marcelo Vilaça Pinheiro Soares
- Marko Petric
- Matthias Jochen Schnepf
- Matthias Schramm
- Michel Hernandez Villanueva
- Michèle Sanguillon
- Minori Watanabe
- Norman Molina
- Patrick Maeght
- Paul James Laycock
- Paul Millar
- Paul Musset
- Pavel Oropeza Alfaro
- Petteri KETTUNEN
- Pierre Gay
- Raja Nandakumar
- Raymond Oonk
- Riccardo Di Maria
- Ruslan Mashinistov
- Sebastian Luna-Valero
- Silvio Pardi
- Simon Fayer
- Sophie King
- Sorina POP
- Takanori Hara
- Valentin Volkl
- Vladimir Romanovskiy
- Xavier Espinal
- Xiaomei Zhang
- Yan Grange
- Yuji Kato