WLCG AuthZ Call
Proposed agenda:
Discuss role of keys and trust anchors in OIDC-based infrastructure
- OIDC Key management
- Transport
- Signing (JWTs)
- Distribution of keys
- OIDC Federation Key Management (future scenario)
Attendees: Jeny, Mine, Linda, Tom, Maarten, Andrea, Hannah, Ian
OIDC Certificates and Keys (largely a solved problem)
Transport certs
Must be publicly trusted
Opportunity to make life easier for integrators (e.g. LetsEncrypt)
Signing certs
Discovery and distribution well described by standards
Lifetimes defined by WLCG Token Schema v1.0
VOs will need to maintain lists of valid token issuers (similar to current VOMS lists)
Global list may be useful for opportunistic resources
OIDC Federation
Future model of OIDC AuthZ at large scale, will have additional role for certificates
Not currently required for WLCG (we have smaller scale and OIDC Fed not production yet)
Role of IGTF
IGTF certs no longer have role in OIDC AuthZ
IGTF policies still essential
Envisage that IGTF maintains list of approved Token Issuers