The HIFIS Cloud Competence Cluster

28 Jan 2020, 14:30
Presentation Meet CS3MESH Meet CS3MESH


Andreas Klotz (Helmholtz Berlin) Patrick Fuhrmann


The HIFIS Cloud Cluster aims to bring existing, outstanding Helmholtz IT Services into a federated cloud environment and to make them available to the whole Helmholtz Community.
This includes many different scenarios, ranging from the Helmholtz-wide accessibility of HPC and HTC Computing clusters to a federation of different existing Next- and Owncloud instances. To achieve the latter, we are interested in finding solutions to mesh Sync&Share solutions from different vendors in order to provide a consistent HIFIS view.
Special attention goes to the creation of possible synergies with other Helmholtz Incubator clusters such as HAICU[1] and with already up and running initiatives like HDF[2].
To get the HIFIS Cloud up and running, we started an initial Helmholtz-wide service survey aiming to create an objective overview of demand and supply. This survey is now used to create an initial Service Portfolio which will then be brought into operation. Furthermore, an organizational rule-set including e.g. processes for the integration of new services as well as definitions for consistent service reviews will be set up. The extension of the initial Service Portfolio will be planned using the experiences made in operation.
To access the services, the HIFIS Backbone Cluster will provide an AAI which will be used in an access layer platform to authenticate and authorize users on many different channels, in a similar way as can currently be seen at EGI or EUDAT.
The workload within the Cloud Cluster is distributed over several Helmholtz Centers.
Together with the other HIFIS Clusters, Backbone and Software, HIFIS will amplify the network of Helmholtz scientists and administration.

HIFIS Website:


Andreas Klotz (Helmholtz Berlin) Patrick Fuhrmann Laura Schollmaier (Helmholtz Berlin)

Presentation materials