FAIR Implementation Profiles: Driving Convergence onto an Internet of FAIR Digital Objects

28 Jan 2020, 14:50
Presentation Meet CS3MESH Meet CS3MESH


Dr Erik Schultes (GO FAIR International Support and Coordination Office)


For communities striving to adhere to FAIR Principles, the collective list of FAIR implementation choices compose the FAIR Implementation Profile (FIP) for that community. The FIPs of numerous communities can be systematically acquired from the FAIR Convergence Matrix, which is an online platform that compiles for any community of practice (“columns” in the Matrix), an inventory of their FAIR implementation choices and challenges (“rows” in the Matrix)[https://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/dint_a_00038]. In the Convergence Matrix environment, the Community Data Steward is prompted to systematically declare the implementation choices for each of the FAIR Principles. The FIPs are then themselves exposed as FAIR and Open data. Taken together, the accumulated FIPs from the global community give a bird's eye view of the technology landscape supporting FAIR Digital Objects [https://github.com/GEDE-RDA-Europe/GEDE/tree/master/FAIR%20Digital%20Objects]. Based on patterns of use and reuse among the FIPs, strategies for optimal coordination on standards and technologies can be formulated (e.g., maximizing the reuse of existing resources or maximizing interoperation within or between domains). Ready-made and well-tested FIPs created by trusted community-authorized representatives could find widespread reuse and thus vastly accelerate well-informed implementation of FAIR Digital Objects.

Primary author

Dr Erik Schultes (GO FAIR International Support and Coordination Office)

Presentation materials