As a natural evolution of the internal CIFS-based shares, in 2015 the Seafile-based Elettra Drive Sync and Share was launched at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste.
The features that such a product offer enabled delegation of the authorisations for data access directly to the users and easily enabled cross-area network access and sharing.
During the past four years its use grew and spread through scientists in particular for synchronisation of projects (coding, data, etc.) with several workstations present in different labs or areas (beamlines, offices, ...).
Elettra Drive evolved during the years from a cluster of physical servers sharing a Gluster filesystem to a single virtual machine in a KVM cluster on top of a CEPH storage system.
Future enhancements of this infrastructure will be discussed, in particular its integration with other systems (from general Office-based documents management to collaborative platforms - Zimbra -, to massive FAIR scientific data hosted on the same CEPH cluster and now accessible only via dedicated shares and custom web tools).
Use of the Sync and Share paradigm for Remote Data Analysis As a Service (DAAS), now under exploitation in many EU-funded projects like CALIPSOplus and PANOSC, will also be studied and tested in the coming months; the goal of CS3MESH about federated systems will shorten the distances between data and users, and Elettra Drive wants to play a significant role in this collaboration.