Sharing data between HPC, hadoop and POSIX with EFSS

28 Jan 2020, 17:20
Presentation Scalable Storage Backends for Cloud, HPC and Global Science Scalable Storage Backends for Cloud, HPC and Global Science


Mr Olaf Weiser


SpectrumScale is a software defined parallel file system, which can scale over multiple nodes, networks and block storage types. SpectrumScale R5.x supports Watchfolder, which is somehow comparable to linux inotify, but WF supports to be used over multiple directories and sub-trees of a file system and even over the complete name space recursively.
Based on Watchfolder, NEXTCLOUD and IBM created a combined solution. This integration enables Nextcloud to get notified and so share data, which is ingested or changed by any source connected or directly running on SpectrumScale. So, directly to the file system ingested data from any other application gets fully automated shared or can be managed then by NEXTCLOUD.


Mr Olaf Weiser

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