As technologies continue to evolve, the size and amount of data that your organization must work with is growing exponentially.
Keeping ahead of this data growth requires a scalable and innovative high-performance solution with a lightning-fast, highly reliable IT infrastructure to process, store, and analyse your data. However, the cost and complexity of deploying and operating an HPC infrastructure to manage this critical data can be daunting. Whether you’re looking for the origins of the universe, the next big oil reserve, a fool proof way to predict financial markets, or a cure for cancer, ThinkParQ and NetApp can help.
The award winning BeeGFS parallel cluster file system backed by NetApp E-Series storage is a proven, integrated solution with a simple, reliable, scalable, and cost-effective HPC infrastructure that keeps pace with your most extreme workloads.
Together, BeeGFS and the E-Series Storage are the optimal combination no matter what size your organization is, and whether you are an experienced HPC guru or are taking your first steps into HPC. The combined storage solution enables clients and researches to easily analyse, discover, share and store data much faster whilst lowering operating costs.
This session will cover in detail how BeeGFS and NetApp E-Series can further accelerate and scale customers storage backends, along with an overview of how Simula Research Laboratory are paving the way for exascale computing in Norway with BeeGFS and NetApp E-Series storage.