Over the past decade, various Internet players have been increasing cloud data storage offerings with, in some cases, additional features. However, the equilibrium of the economic model is often ensured on the one hand by a usage that becomes time-consuming or depending on the use and, on the other hand, by the exploitation that can be made of data and metadata. To address these issues, many institutions have implemented their own solution, thus constituting a rich functional and application ecosystem.
However, several issues remain:
• How can users of different community platforms share data in an authenticated and trusted way?
• What kind of architecture to meet the needs of hundreds of thousands of users?
• What mechanisms to allow geographic distribution this type of service?
• How to guarantee the minimum levels of security, in particular on the control of access to the service and stored information?
Following the evaluation of several free solutions likely to provide a "drive" type service, GIP RENATER has started a process of building a highly scalable solution in terms of access control, capacity (users, volumes, etc.), distributed deployment and possibly interoperable with other similar services in the community.
The implementation challenges are multiple and concern as much the choice of the solution as the design of the associated technical architecture as well as taking into account the changes and the organization of the MCO.