Parallel file systems have reach new height in performance and scale. Storage systems delivering in the 1+TB/sec at a 100+PB scale are now available in several HPC environments including enterprise ones.
It went with efforts, sweat if not tears, but with little surprise since the performance community has such a long track record of success in challenging the new order of magnitude. Recently a strong push has been made on the I/O patterns. Nowadays, storage systems can address sequential and none sequential I/O without major performance impact. This first part of this talk will briefly discussed this recent achievement using IO500 data.
However, it seems that in our data world, the extreme efficiency of the data center is not the right scale of thinking: interoperability is key, data life cycles and flow are the new paradigms.
As organizations are moving toward the multicould environment with complex interactions, the real challenge is to leverage the ultra fast data center in the most efficient way.
The second part of this talk will be focused on the efforts made by HPC players in order to open-up the box and bring inter-operations from external stakeholders in the very core of the data factory.