Reva: IOP (Inter-Operability Platform)

29 Jan 2020, 16:00
Presentation File Sync&Share Products for Home, Lab and Enterprise Fabric and platforms for Global Science


Hugo Gonzalez Labrador (CERN)


The Reva project is dedicated to create a platform to bridge the gap between Cloud Storages and Application Providers by making them talk to each other in an inter-operable fashion by leveraging on the community-driven CS3 APIs. For this reason, the goal of the project is not to recreate other services but to offer a straightforward way to connect existing services in a simple, portable and scalable way.

Besides that, Reva is also the reference implementation of the CS3 APIs and a proven-to-scale software platform running on CERN premises since 2018 to power the core of the CERNbox service, a massive collaborative cloud platform used by more than 8,000 users accounting for 7 petabytes of user data. The successful operational experience of running it at CERN and the desire to open its development to the community led to CERN releasing the software alongside the CS3 APIs under a permissive license under the CS3 Virtual organisation in 2019.

In this contribution we explain the roots of the project, the importance of having a reference implementation for the CS3 community APIs and what can Reva bring to your service by connecting to it.


Hugo Gonzalez Labrador (CERN) Jakub Moscicki (CERN) Diogo Castro (CERN) Giuseppe Lo Presti (CERN)

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