Just-in-time data ingestion for distributed metagenomics assembly in multiple clouds with OneData

29 Jan 2020, 16:20
Presentation User Voice: Novel Applications, Data Science Environments & Open Data Fabric and platforms for Global Science


C.D. Tiwari (EMBL-EBI)


  • Accessing large amounts of data in the cloud poses several problems:
    • Many bioinformatics applications require POSIX access, which does not scale well. Re-writing the application is not always an option.
    • Data sitting in the cloud costs money, whether it’s being used or not.
  • An ideal solution in many cases would be to provide federated data access to data stored on-premises, with caching in the cloud to reduce latency and use of network bandwidth.
  • We have been using OneData to provide federated, secure, scalable access from the cloud to our on-premises storage. OneData offers tuneable caching, block-level access, and many other features that make it very attractive for our use-cases
  • I present the tests we have done with OneData, including performance measurements from our first production use-case, distributed assembly of marine metagenomes in multiple clouds. We discuss our plans for rolling it out as a production service in the coming year.


C.D. Tiwari (EMBL-EBI)

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