The top Yukawa coupling can be probed using different physics process at the LHC (ttH, tH, 4-tops, etc.). The latest results on this together with global interpretations with other top (or Higgs) processes will be presented.
Some results on the contribution from resonances to the HEFT low-energy couplings up to NLO are discussed in this talk
In this talk, I will focus on the measurements of the Higgs couplings to the electroweak bosons, in the context of an effective field theory. I will also discuss the possibility of strongly constraining the couplings affecting the charged triple gauge boson vertices upon studying the Zh and Wh channels in the boosted Higgs regime. Finally, I will discuss the prospects of disentangling the...
In this talk I will discuss how dimension 8 effects can be systematically studied in Higgs and electroweak physics. After presenting a full list of dimension 8 operators that correct these processes, we will discuss how they connect to observables. The effects from these operators can be classified into two categories, (1) those arising from new contributions to vertex structures already...
We derive Ward identities for the standard model effective field theory using the background-field method. The resulting symmetry constraints on the standard model effective field theory are basis independent, and constrain the perturbative and power-counting expansions. A geometric description of the field connections, and real representations for the SU(2)L×U(1)Y generators, underlies the derivation.
We extend the covariant derivative expansion (CDE) to gravity.
I will present new results about the UOLEA which now allow to consider EFTs for which heavy fermions (vector like and chiral) have been integrated out.
I present a phenomenological investigation of possible short-distance new physics in (semi)leptonic charmed-meson decays. Using the Standard Model effective field theory, we demonstrate the complementarity with the production of high-pT leptons at the LHC. Our combined analysis of the latest low- and high-energy experimental data shows that much of the room for new physics in charm decays is...
Many scenarios of new physics predict the existence of neutrino Non-Standard Interactions, new vector contact interactions between neutrinos and first generation fermions beyond the Standard Model. In this talk we will present model-independent constraints on the Standard Model Effective Field Theory at high energies from bounds on neutrino non-standard interactions derived at low energies....
In this talk I present the HEPfit code, a flexible open-source tool to perform statistical tests of the Standard Model or any of its extensions. I will focus the talk on the current capabilities of the code for studies of the electroweak and Higgs sectors. As an example of such capabilities, we consider the case of physics beyond the SM parameterized by the dimension-6 SMEFT, and derive bounds...