Oct 17 – 30, 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

The Swiss High-School Students Internship Programme 2021 will take place from 17-30 October 2021. This programme is a unique opportunity for high-school students from CERN Member States to be introduced to CERN, its technologies and physics, as well as to learn through workshops and by shadowing, observing, and working with a member of personnel. 

Note to the applicants: we thank all 64 applicants for their interest and congratulate them for the excellent quality of the applications. The selections have now been completed, the selected 24 applicants have been contacted by email and they have all confirmed their participation.

CERN is looking forward to welcome the Swiss High-School Students here in Geneva, Switzerland!



Swiss High-School Students Internship Programme 2021:



High-School Students Internship Programme Manager:
Dr. Margherita Boselli: +41 (0) 75 411 0395
HSSIP Support:
Feza Tankut: +41 (0) 75 411 7574 

In case of emergency:
CERN fire brigade: 0041 22 76 74444 (internal: 74444)