19 September 2021 to 2 October 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone


Final presentations & closing

1 Oct 2021, 13:00
40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie (CERN)

40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie


Show room on map

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
01/10/2021, 13:00
Arved Schomerus, Emil Charlie Lind-Thomsen
01/10/2021, 13:20

With thanks to Niels Madsen

Daniel Schjott, Erik Byriel Schonwandt
01/10/2021, 13:35

With thanks to Peter Granum

Emilia Maria Borre Lelouda, Tilde Elisa Fonseca Kaarslev
01/10/2021, 13:50

With thanks to Jørgen Christiansen

Nikolai Mose Sannerum, Sarah Gilling Pedersen
01/10/2021, 14:20

With thanks to Lars Holm Nielsen

Johan Posselt Mikkelsen, Lea My Varberg
01/10/2021, 15:05

With thanks to Henrik Nissen

Asger Petersen, Silas Lobner Samsoe
01/10/2021, 15:35

With thanks to Alexandre Sinturel

Astrid Gregersen Bennedsen, Magnus Debel-Hansen
01/10/2021, 15:50

With thanks to Ian Bearden

Connor Eric Honey, Jasmin Lehmkuhl Horneman
01/10/2021, 16:20

With thanks to Alberto Rodriguez

Lars Varming Joergensen (CERN), Margherita Boselli (CERN)
01/10/2021, 16:35
01/10/2021, 16:55
Building timetable...