FuTuRe 2019 - Workshop on the Future of Silicon Detector Technologies
CiS Forschungsinstitut fuer Mikrosensorik
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
Arrival and Registration 30m
9:00 AM
9:10 AM
Welcome address 10mSpeaker: Prof. Thomas Ortlepp (CiS)
9:10 AM
9:40 AM
Introduction of SiDE Business Unit of CiS 30mSpeaker: Ralf Mario Roder (CIS Institut fuer Mikrosensorik GmbH (DE))
9:40 AM
10:40 AM
Readout Electronics: Part I
Sensors have to transfer signals to electronics. Current trends in electronics and highlights of modern sensor technology will be discussed.
9:40 AM
tbd 30mSpeaker: Prof. Nobuyuki Yoshikawa (Yokohama National University)
10:10 AM
tbd 30mSpeaker: Mr Yoshi Hironaka (Yokohama National University)
9:40 AM
10:40 AM
11:15 AM
Coffee Break 35m
11:15 AM
12:15 PM
Readout Electronics: Part II
Sensors have to transfer signals to electronics. Current trends in electronics and highlights of modern sensor technology will be discussed.
11:15 AM
Superconducting NbN Hot-Electron Bolometer as a Fast Diagnostic Tool for Accelerator Light Sources: System and Readout Design 30mSpeaker: Mr Alexander Schmid (Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie)
11:45 AM
tbd 30mSpeaker: Prof. Thomas Ortlepp (CiS)
11:15 AM
12:15 PM
1:30 PM
Lunch Break 1h 15m
1:30 PM
3:00 PM
Dosimetry in Radiation Therapy: Part I
There is a strong need for developing new kinds of detectors for both traditional radiotherapy and particle radiation therapy that enable the precise localization of the dose.
1:30 PM
Introduction to Processes and Workflow in Radiation Oncology 30mSpeaker: Mr Johannes Schilz (Strahlenschutzseminar in Thüringen e.V.)
2:00 PM
tbd 30mSpeaker: Mr Rafael Kranzer (PTW Freiburg)
2:30 PM
tbd 30mSpeaker: Mrs Stephanie Schade (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen)
1:30 PM
3:00 PM
3:30 PM
Coffee Break 30m
3:30 PM
4:30 PM
Dosimetry in Radiation Therapy: Part II
There is a strong need for developing new kinds of detectors for both traditional radiotherapy and particle radiation therapy that enable the precise localization of the dose.
3:30 PM
Semiconductor-based detectors for dosimetry in radiation therapy 30mSpeaker: Prof. Wolfgang Krautschneider (TU Hamburg)
4:00 PM
From detectors for proton cancer therapy to atomic defect characterizations with positrons 30mSpeaker: Dr Andreas Wagner (HZDR Nuclear Physics Division)
3:30 PM
7:00 PM
10:00 PM
Workshop Dinner 3h Villa Haage
Villa Haage
Kressepark Erfurt, Motzstraße 8tram No. 6, direction Steigerstraße
station: Milchinselstraße
proceeding Steigerstraße (south west) until Motzstraße, right turn
50.961801, 11.014969
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
Arrival and Registration 30m
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
Sensor Development for X-Rays: Part I
New insights into health, materials, environmental and other sciences this can only be done when sensors and detectors are produced and optimised in respect of lateral, time and energy resolution and high dynamics. It has to be discussed how this can be achieved on wafer, assembly and electronics level.
9:00 AM
Detector Development for Photon Science at PSI 30mSpeaker: Bernd Schmitt (Paul Scherrer Institut)
9:30 AM
Towards soft X-ray detection using LGAD sensors 30mSpeaker: Jiaguo Zhang (Paul Scherrer Institut)
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
Coffee Break 30m
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
Sensor Development for X-Rays: Part II
New insights into health, materials, environmental and other sciences this can only be done when sensors and detectors are produced and optimised in respect of lateral, time and energy resolution and high dynamics. It has to be discussed how this can be achieved on wafer, assembly and electronics level.
10:30 AM
tbd 30mSpeaker: Jonathan Correa Magdalena (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
11:00 AM
Doping Profiles for Shallow Junctions 30mSpeaker: Tobias Wittig (CIS Institut fuer Mikrosensorik GmbH (DE))
11:30 AM
Discussion 30m
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
Lunch Break 1h
1:00 PM
2:30 PM
Defect Engineering: Part I
The greatest challenges in defect engineering occur mainly in those sensors and detectors that are exposed to intense high energy radiation.
1:00 PM
Density Functional Theory-based theory of defects 30mSpeaker: Prof. Erich Runge (Technische Universität Ilmenau)
1:30 PM
Development of Radiation Hard Silicon Detectors - The RD50 collaboration 30mSpeaker: Michael Moll (CERN)
2:00 PM
Light-induced defects in silicon solar cells: a possible impact on the mainstream silicon technology 30mSpeaker: Mr Teimuraz Mchedlidze (TU Dresden)
1:00 PM
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
Coffee Break 30m
3:00 PM
4:30 PM
Defect Engineering: Part II
The greatest challenges in defect engineering occur mainly in those sensors and detectors that are exposed to intense high energy radiation.
3:00 PM
Defects in 6“ Cz Si EPI-wafer 30mSpeaker: Mrs Daniela Seifert (X-FAB Semiconductor Foundries GmbH)
3:30 PM
Low gain avalanche detectors (LGAD) – Can the A_Si-Si_i defect explain their insufficient radiation hardness? 30mSpeaker: Kevin Lauer (CIS Institut fuer Mikrosensorik GmbH (DE))
4:00 PM
Discussion 30m
3:00 PM
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
End of the workshop 30m
8:30 AM
9:00 AM