BPTX publication on DIP and cogging




Discussion on Massi and Sophie's proposal for BPTX publication over DIP, synchro modes and cogging for startup. PROPOSAL: 0) use DIP structure proposed in Alick's doc: dip/EXPT/LHC/Timing 1) zLocationIP: indeed, change to DeltaT in ns Purpose: value for OP/EiC to fine-adjust the crossing point Definition: measure arrival time difference of paired bunches (i.e. average over all bunch pairs __which are supposed to collide in the given IP__ ) Rate: 1 Hz (or less frequent ?) NB: this requires colliding pairs for a given expt to give a value. NB: cogging will be verified with proper bunch scheme (with pairs that are supposed to cross in IPs. We do not have anymore the pressure of last year.) 2) PhaseB1 [ns]: phase difference between B1 (averaged over all bunches) and bunch clock used by experiment. Purpose: Monitor possible drifts which may lead to non-optimal detector signal sampling. Offset to 0 as soon as experiment time alignment has been performed. Rate: currently 1 Hz, but maybe overkill for drift monitoring. 0.1 Hz or 1/minute would be enough. No ? NB: drifts we are looking for are of the order of 100 ps, therefore it is important that the published value be "baseline-subtracted" to give a value which is not too far from zero (relative to 100 ps). NB: if using BC, this automatically reduces value to <12.5ns, and is independent of fill pattern. So, seems more appropriate than ORB. PhaseB2: same.
Alick's paper
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