Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

First International Workshop on Machine Learning in Physics (MLPh 2020)

Auditorium Folco Portinari

Auditorium Folco Portinari

via Folco Portinari, 5 Firenze, Italy

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, it was decided to postpone this event to a future date to be defined. 

We took in serious consideration the opportunity of switching to an online event, but it would hardly help as a kick-off for collaborations between the many groups represented.

Do not hesitate to contact us for doubts or requests for clarifications.

Apologies for the difficulties this cancellation may cause. 

Best regards,
  Lucio Anderlini for the organizers. 

The renaissance of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence taking place during the last decade is affecting the hardware, the algorithms and the software libraries in use to conduct scientific searches.

MLPћ brings together machine-learning practitioners with experts of the distributed, large-scale computing infrastructure developed and operated to process and simulate large datasets from physics experiments. 


The Workshop will be organized in four tracks: 

  • Machine Learning in High Energy Physics;

  • Machine Learning for Fundamental Physics;

  • Machine Learning for Medical Physics;

  • Hardware and Infrastructure for large-scale Machine Learning.  


On Thursday, October 22nd and Friday October 23rd, in the same venue, INFN_ML will organize a Hackathon as a satellite event. Read more...


International Advisory Board

  • Tommaso Boccali, Pisa University
  • Claudio Grandi, INFN Bologna
  • Oscar Adriani,  Firenze University
  • Gastone Castellani, Bologna University
  • Mike Williams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Amir Farbin, University of Maryland
  • Denis Derkach, Higher School of Economics
  • Andrea Chincarini, INFN Genova
  • Sofia Vallecorsa, CERN
  • Lucio Anderlini, INFN Firenze
  • Cinzia Talamonti, Firenze University 


Local Organizing Committee

  • Lucio Anderlini
  • Cinzia Talamonti
  • Vitaliano Ciulli
  • Nicola Mori
  • Matteo Barbetti
  • Stefano Piffer 
  • Saverio Mariani
  • Nicolò Antolini

Administrative Secretariat

  • Antonella Pagliai, INFN Firenze  
  • Angelo Borrani, INFN Firenze



Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare  University of FlorenceAssociazione Italiana Studenti di Fisica





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