23–27 Jan 2006
L'Esplanade du Lac, Divonne-les-Bains
Europe/Zurich timezone

Chasing parasitic magnetic fields in the LHC

24 Jan 2006, 17:00
L'Esplanade du Lac, Divonne-les-Bains

L'Esplanade du Lac, Divonne-les-Bains


Arnaud Devred (AT/MAS)


A tnetative summary of the parasitic fields in the LHC machine is presented. The impact on the beam is evaluated. Critical cases, such as the one of the connection cryostat, are reviewed and the solutions to avoid deleterious effects on the beam dynamics are outlined. A first pass at computing in 3D the field created by the busbars in the dipole-to-dipole interconnect is discussed.


Arnaud Devred (AT/MAS)

Presentation materials