23–27 Jan 2006
L'Esplanade du Lac, Divonne-les-Bains
Europe/Zurich timezone

Beam Commissioning: Required Applications

23 Jan 2006, 12:00
L'Esplanade du Lac, Divonne-les-Bains

L'Esplanade du Lac, Divonne-les-Bains


Mike Lamont (LFC)


Effective commissioning of the LHC with beam demands a well-designed, coherent suite of high level software. The challenges include a large amount of heterogeneous equipment, large distributed beam instrumentation systems, the dynamic effects of superconducting magnets and tight constraints on the key beam parameters. All of which have to be dealt with while respecting the destructive power of the beams. The large amount of required software is briefly elucidated.


Mike Lamont (LFC)

Presentation materials