Doris Forkel-Wirth
The moment the first protons will be sent through LHC, the installation will become
subject to CERN’s radiation protection legislation. Proper pre-cautions will have to
be taken before the start-up of the machine and all significant radiation parameters
like prompt radiation and activation will have to be continuously monitored from
then on. Based on calculations, measurements and experience the operational boundary
conditions will have to be set with respect to the classification of radiation
workers, access conditions, maintenance work in the tunnel, control of material
leaving the tunnel, repair of material outside the tunnel and finally waste
management. The talk will focus on the operational aspects and their implication on
the overall operation of the LHC accelerator as function of the various LHC stages.
Doris Forkel-Wirth
Hans Menzel
Helmut Vincke
Joachim Vollaire
Markus Brugger
Stefan Roesler