23–27 Jan 2006
L'Esplanade du Lac, Divonne-les-Bains
Europe/Zurich timezone

What is required to get the beam safely out of LHC

23 Jan 2006, 15:40
L'Esplanade du Lac, Divonne-les-Bains

L'Esplanade du Lac, Divonne-les-Bains


Brennan Goddard (CERN)


Assuming that the trigger is provided, the Beam Dumping System LBDS must safey remove the beam. The first stages of commissioning will include individual hardware tests of the associated systems, together with overall system level tests and validation of the whole LBDS in the final operational configuration, culminating in the reliability run. There will be a further series of tests, configuration and validation of the LBDS during commissioning with beam for the different stages, at different energies. The commissioning steps are described as the intensity and energy are increased, in the different commissioning stages. The evolution of the minimum requirements on the beam instrumentation and control system (post-mortem, post-operational checks, inject and dump, ...) are detailed through the commissioning process.

Primary author

Brennan Goddard (CERN)

Presentation materials