Stephane Sanfilippo
24/01/2006, 14:30
We present data relative to the transfer function of all the quadrupoles in
the machine, specifying how many different measurement system are involved,
how cross-calibrations are carried out, and what is the final level of absolute
and relative accuracy that will be reached according to the present baseline.
Other sources of perturbation of the optic fuctions such as the precision of...
Walter Venturini
24/01/2006, 15:00
As a follow-up of the discussions initiated at the last LHC Project Workshop,
this contribution will concentrate on the aspects of the magnetic behaviour of
Trim and Tuning Quadrupoles, as well as spool and lattice Sextupoles, which
may be relevant for the machine operation. The measured magnetic hysteresis
and its possible influence on setting errors during operation will be...