Emmanuel Tsesmelis
25/01/2006, 09:00
All experiments will have installed their detector set-ups and will be ready for
commissioning with beam at the start of LHC operation. The physics programme is
expected to be rich even at the projected initial luminosities. This paper presents
the requirements and expectations of the experiments for single beams, early
collisions, the pilot physics run, the heavy-ion run and the...
Werner Herr
25/01/2006, 10:10
The LHC experiments are equipped with solenoids or
spectrometer magnets. Both types affect the beam
dynamics or constrain the choice of the optical
configurations. The implications are estimated
and possible limitations are discussed. The present
working scenario is presented and its flexibility
is subjected to a critical assessment.
Jorg Wenninger
25/01/2006, 11:00
This presentation describes the proposed beam interlocking strategy for the LHC
experiments and for the experimental magnets. Two different types of interlocks are
foreseen: beam dump requests and beam injection inhibits. The interfaces to the LHC
beam and injection interlock systems are described. Proposals for implementations and
open points are presented.
Alick Macpherson
(Rutgers University/CERN)
25/01/2006, 11:25
From the very start of LHC operations, the experiments will have a strong interest
in monitoring online the beam conditions and radiation levels in and around the
experimental areas. Although the equipment in these caverns is designed to tolerate
the expected radiation levels in normal operation, such monitoring is seen as key
to protecting the detectors from damage due to unexpected...