Esther Barbero Soto
27/01/2006, 09:00
The planning of the installation of LHC from the injection to Pt7 for the sector
test will be reviewed. Special attention will be paid to components which are on
the critical path for the success of the first injection. Possible interferences
with on going and future installation activities will be mentioned and their
consequences on the overall LHC installation activities highlighted.
Jose Miguel Jimenez
27/01/2006, 09:25
Starting from the TI8 dump (TED) up to the end of the continuous cryostat in IP7,
the availability in the tunnel of all components in the beam line e.g. the vacuum,
cryogenic, collimation, protection devices, beam instrumentation and magnet systems
will be reviewed. The impact of delays and potential limitations will also be
Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi
27/01/2006, 11:10
During the sector test the beam has to cross IP8 and the vacuum continuity must be
ensured through the experiment. The installation schedule of the experiment will be
presented and the possible mutual interferences with the sector test highlighted.
The temporary layout of IP8 and the vacuum conditions for this test in the region
IP8 will be shown.