Christian Carli
26/01/2006, 10:00
After reporting on already completed phases of LEIR commissioning, an outlook and
tentative schedule until completion aiming at providing the beam needed for first
LHC ion runs will be given. Expected and unexpected problems and actions to tackle
them are highligthed.
Marine Gourber-Pace
26/01/2006, 11:30
The talk focuses on the results and the experience gained from the deployment of a
new control system on LEIR during its running-in. From a technical viewpoint, the
control system of LEIR presents challenging features. It is the result of the
integration of new components foreseen for the LHC into the existing controls
infrastructure deployed on the CERN [PS Complex] accelerators. As...
Gerard Tranquille
26/01/2006, 12:00
For the LEIR project, a new cooler has been constructed in collaboration with BINP
Novosibirsk. It will deliver up to 600 mA of electron current at an energy of 2.3
keV (corresponding to the lead ion energy of 4.2 MeV/u) and has the advantage that
the radius and density profile can be varied to match the characteristics of the
injected lead ion beam. The device was delivered at the end...