The payment will be done individually by each participant upon arrival to the hotel.
Price per hotel: 155 CHF/night
Refreshment package: 388 CHF/3 days
Cost Grand Total/person: CHF 853.00
Please bear in mind that cancellation policy apply, therefore only register if you are sure to attend.
The city tax will be charged separately with CHF 2.50 per person/night.
US travelers should utilize the Switzerland "Other" per diem rate for M & IE.
- 3 nights in a hotel
- 3x breakfast
- 3x lunch
- 2x dinner
- 6x coffee breaks, mineral water, apples and sweets in the meeting room
- meeting room and its accessories
Additional costs:
- Beverages to all meals at cost
- 01.02.2020: dinner CHF 44.00 p.P.
Note: Lodging is not available at the venue on the evening of 04.02.2020.