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25–27 May 2020
Virtually, worldwide
Europe/Zurich timezone

UPDATE: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the seventh LHC LLP Community workshop will be virtual only!  The dates are the same -- 25-27 May -- but the sessions will be limited to three half-days instead.

The seventh workshop of the LHC LLP Community, 25-27 May 2020 at CERN, will undoubtedly be another raucous and vibrant gathering, this time via videoconference only.

As we inch closer and closer to the beginning of LHC Run 3, there are several urgent LLP-related questions to be addressed:

  • What triggering strategies are we missing at ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb?
  • What signatures are we overlooking?
  • What new models have been introduced that give rise to signatures we haven't searched for yet?
  • How can machine learning improve our ability to discover LLPs?
  • What about new dark shower phenomenology?
  • What's the latest with MoEDAL?
  • How soon can we get all of the dedicated LLP detectors (FASER, MATHUSLA, CODEX-b, MilliQan, AL3X, ANUBIS) fully installed and running?
  • What decisions need to be made now to ensure that the Phase 2 upgrades definitively improve our ability to discover LLPs?
  • What are the latest results or studies from related experiments (fixed-target, future collider, neutrino-related, etc.) that can also search for LLPs?
  • Why isn't your brand new idea in this list?

The agenda is now nicely solidified.  To best accommodate the virtual-only format, the program is composed of only plenary talks, with plenty of time for discussion.

Please register now!

Additionally, recall that our LLP workshop was designed to sit right next to FIPs 2020, a very closely-related workshop about feebly-interacting particles across multiple disciplines.  FIPs, however, has been rescheduled to 2-4 September 2020.  We look forward to coordinating with them in the future, as well.

NEW: As you're aware, the Snowmass process is underway.  Because it's such an important and timely project with many topics relevant to the LLP Community, we're holding an informal, brainstorming-style satellite session dedicated to possible Snowmass contributions on Friday, 29 May 2020, at 4 PM Geneva time.


Finally, remember that the eighth workshop of the LHC LLP Community will be held in Tokyo in November of 2020, with the exact dates to be announced very soon.

Registration for this event is currently open.