12–14 Feb 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone

Evolution of single-particle strengths towards the island of inversion

14 Feb 2007, 16:30
Council Chamber, 503/1-001 (CERN)

Council Chamber, 503/1-001



Serge Franchoo (Institut de Physique Nucleaire (IPN))


The replacement of the N=20 spherical shell gap in nuclei of the island of inversion by the N=14,16 gaps can be explained by the tensor monopole interaction between the proton and neutron Fermi levels. The next step in understanding the evolution of shell structure is to measure the strengh of this interaction, which is present throughout the nuclear chart. The ideal tool for this are transfer reactions where single-particle energies and spectroscopic factors can be extracted. While accurate determination of single-particle strengths remains out of reach for the more exotic isotopes, it would be particularly interesting to explore the less exotic 28Mg(d,p)29Mg reaction in inverse kinematics. This reaction will be possible at Rex-Isolde after the energy upgrade to 5 MeV/u, necessary to ensure the conditions of a direct reaction mechanism. A new highly segmented silicon-pad detector called Trace that could be used for this kind of experiments is under development at Legnaro and Orsay.

Primary author

Serge Franchoo (Institut de Physique Nucleaire (IPN))

Presentation materials