2:30 PM
Theoretical introduction to seesaw models and their connection to leptogenesis
Marco Drewes
(Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
3:00 PM
HNLs and their relation to astroparticle and cosmology (3.5 keV line, BBN, measurement of the absolute neutrino masses (KATRIN, Euclid, etc.)
Oleg Ruchayskiy
(University of Copenhagen (DK))
3:25 PM
HNLs and their relation (or non-relation) to active neutrino physics (PMNS, δ CP , 0 νββ decay, m(lighest neutrino),..)
Jacobo Lopez Pavon
(IFIC, CSIC-Universitat de València)
4:10 PM
Search for HNLs at extracted beams (neutrino experiments (T2K), NA62-kaon and dump mode, prospects for DUNE)
Alexander Izmaylov
4:35 PM
Search for HNLs at LHCb, ATLAS, CMS: status and prospects
Lesya Shchutska
(EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
5:00 PM
Prospects Search for HNLs with SHiP, MATHUSLA, FASER, and CODEX-b
Nicola Serra
(Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
5:25 PM
Prospects to search for HNLs at future ee/ep/pp colliders
Oliver Fischer
(Max-Planck-Institute fuer Kernphysik)