2:00 PM
Opening by the CERN Director for Research and Computing, Prof. E. Elsen
Eckhard Elsen
2:20 PM
Introductory Talks
James Beacham
(Duke University (US))
Philip Schuster
(until 6:30 PM)
2:20 PM
SM problems and FIPs from theoretical viewpoints
Simon Knapen
(Institute for Advanced Study)
3:00 PM
What can we learn for particle physics from DM cosmological observations?
Alexey Boiarskyi
(Leiden University (NL))
3:30 PM
Theory overview of DM models in the low (<10 GeV) mass range
Asher Berlin
(University of Chicago)
4:00 PM
Status and prospects of DM direct detection experiments in the low (< 10 GeV) mass region
Susana Cebrian
(Universidad de Zaragoza)
4:30 PM
--- Coffee break ---
5:00 PM
Search for FIPs at collider based experiments (overview)
Heather Russell
(McGill University (CA))
5:30 PM
Search for FIPs with experiments at extracted beams (overview)
Bertrand Echenard
(California Institute of Technology)
6:00 PM
Search for very low mass FIPs (atomic physics, quantum technology)
- Dr
Yevgeny Stadnik
(Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo)
6:30 PM
Discussion Session
2:30 PM
Feebly interacting fermion particles
Pilar Hernandez
Silvia Pascoli
(University of Durham (GB))
(until 5:50 PM)
2:30 PM
Theoretical introduction to seesaw models and their connection to leptogenesis
Marco Drewes
(Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
3:00 PM
HNLs and their relation to astroparticle and cosmology (3.5 keV line, BBN, measurement of the absolute neutrino masses (KATRIN, Euclid, etc.)
- Prof.
Oleg Ruchayskiy
(University of Copenhagen (DK))
3:25 PM
HNLs and their relation (or non-relation) to active neutrino physics (PMNS, δ CP , 0 νββ decay, m(lighest neutrino),..)
Jacobo Lopez Pavon
(IFIC, CSIC-Universitat de València)
3:50 PM
--- coffee break ---
4:10 PM
Search for HNLs at extracted beams (neutrino experiments (T2K), NA62-kaon and dump mode, prospects for DUNE)
Alexander Izmaylov
4:35 PM
Search for HNLs at LHCb, ATLAS, CMS: status and prospects
Lesya Shchutska
(EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
5:00 PM
Prospects Search for HNLs with SHiP, MATHUSLA, FASER, and CODEX-b
Nicola Serra
(Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
5:25 PM
Prospects to search for HNLs at future ee/ep/pp colliders
Oliver Fischer
(Max-Planck-Institute fuer Kernphysik)
5:50 PM
Discussion Session
2:30 PM
Feebly interacting vector particles
Martin Bauer
(Heidelberg University)
Gaia Lanfranchi
(INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
(until 5:50 PM)
2:30 PM
Early cosmology (BBN, re-ionisation, 21 cm) constraints on new (feebly-interacting) physics (covering vector, scalar, pseudo-scalar portals)
Maxim Pospelov
3:00 PM
Search for LDM and Vector/ALPs mediators in the sub-GeV mass range at NA64, NA62, MESA, PADME.
Sergei Gninenko
(Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))
3:30 PM
LDM and mediator searches at B-factories (Belle-II, including BaBar ad Belle results)
Enrico Graziani
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
4:00 PM
--- coffee break ---
4:30 PM
Search for LDM and vector mediators at LHCb, ATLAS, CMS: status and prospects
Philip Ilten
(University of Birmingham (GB))
4:55 PM
Search for LDM and vector mediators at FASER, CODEX-b, SHiP, MATHUSLA
Jakob Salfeld-Nebgen
5:20 PM
Search for LDM and vector mediators at accelerator-based experiments in US (HPS, BDX, Mini- Boone, LDMX,...)
Timothy Knight Nelson
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
5:50 PM
Discussion Session
2:30 PM
Feebly interacting pseudo-scalar particles
Joerg Jaeckel
(ITP Heidelberg)
Joshua Ruderman
(New York University)
(until 5:40 PM)
2:30 PM
Status of stellar and astrophysics constraints on new (feebly-interacting) physics (covering vector, scalar, pseudo-scalar portals)
Maurizio Giannotti
(Barry University)
3:00 PM
Axions/ALPs as DM and/or light DM mediators: phenomenology
Andreas Ringwald
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
3:30 PM
QCD axion beyond the axion band
Prateek Agrawal
(University of Maryland)
3:55 PM
--- coffee break ---
4:15 PM
Axions/ALPs as DM and/or light DM mediators: overview of experimental approaches in the low mass range
Igor Garcia Irastorza
(Universidad de Zaragoza (ES))
4:45 PM
axions/ALPs phenomenology at accelerator-based experiments
Felix Kahlhoefer
(RWTH Aachen University)
5:15 PM
Search for axions/ALPs at the LHC
David d'Enterria
5:40 PM
Discussion Session
2:30 PM
Feebly interacting scalar particles
Albert De Roeck
Jocelyn Rebecca Monroe
(University of London (GB))
(until 5:20 PM)
2:30 PM
Cosmology and particle phenomenology of feebly interacting scalars
Fedor Bezrukov
(University of Manchester (GB))
3:00 PM
Experimental constraints on the exotic Higgs width
Maria Cepeda
3:25 PM
Direct searches for feebly-interacting dark scalars at the central detectors of the LHC: status and prospects
Verena Ingrid Martinez Outschoorn
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
3:50 PM
--- coffee break ---
4:10 PM
Search for light feebly-interacting scalar particles at extracted beam lines (SeaQuest @ FNAL, NA62, SHiP,....)
Joel Christopher Swallow
(University of Birmingham (GB))
4:30 PM
Prospects to search for light feebly-interacting scalar particles at MATHUSLA, CODEX-b, FASER, ANUBIS, ....
David Curtin
(University of Toronto)
4:50 PM
Scalar portal and its connection to Higgs physics from a theory viewpoint
stefania gori
(UC Santa Cruz)
5:20 PM
5:50 PM
Closing (Proceedings, next editions of the workshop, etc.)
Gaia Lanfranchi
(INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))