Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

6–9 May 2020
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Participant List

33 participants

Last Name First Name Affiliation
Ahmed Taushif Max-Planck-Institut für Physik
Buonocore Luca University of Zurich (UZH)
Chakraborty Amlan The Institute Of Mathematical Sciences , Chennai
Chen Lisong University of Pittsburgh
Freitas Ayres University of Pittsburgh
Gardi Einan University of Edinburgh
Huston Joey Michigan State University (US)
Höfer Marius Universität Zürich
Kerner Matthias University of Zurich
Lim Matthew University of Milano-Bicocca
Maheria Viltalii University of Hamburg
Maier Andreas DESY
Marzani Simone University of Genova
Mistlberger Bernhard MIT
Mohan Kirtimaan Michigan State University
Moriello Francesco ETH Zurich
Mühlleitner Milada Margarete KIT
Neumann Tobias Fermilab & Illinois Tech
Olness Fredrick SMU
Parra Martinez Julio UCLA
Penin Alexander University of Alberta
Poncelet Rene Cavendish Laboratory Cambridge
Re Emanuele LAPTh Annecy
Reuter Jürgen DESY Hamburg, Germany
Ruiz Richard Universite Catholique de Louvain
Sameshima Ray New York City College of Technology, CUNY
Sawyer Eric UCLA
Schabinger Robert Michigan State University
Song Qian University of Pittsburgh
Vita Gherardo MIT
Wackeroth Doreen University at Buffalo, SUNY
Wiegand Daniel Northwestern University/Argonne National Lab
Xie Keping PITT PACC