Usage of GPU for online data processing – the experience of ALICE and LHCb
,In LHC Run 3, the ALICE and LHCb experiments will not rely on hardware triggers. The luminosity will be increased significantly, so that up to 40 Tbit/s will be processed in the online farm.
LHCb runs a full-software trigger and ALICE performs calibration and data compression, for which the full software processing enables unprecedented flexibility and possibilities.
Both experiments foresee a two-stage approach, processing the data during data taking for a first data reduction and storing it to an on-site disk-buffer for a second processing when there is no beam.
In order to cope with the higher data rates, both experiments are exploring alternative hardware technologies instead of traditional CPU compute farms.
We discuss the framework design, implementation details, performance, and results of LHCb's full-software trigger on GPUs "Allen" and of ALICE's online and offline data compression and reconstruction on GPUs.
Andrea Bocci (EP-CMG), Dirk Düllmann (IT-ST-AD), Peter Hristov (EP-AIP), Axel Naumann (EP-SFT), Niko Neufeld (EP-LBC), and Andreas Salzburger (EP-ADP)
Coffee will be served at 11h00