10–12 Mar 2020
US/Central timezone

Framework Design

11 Mar 2020, 14:15
Racetrack (WH7XO) (Fermilab)

Racetrack (WH7XO)



Panos Paparrigopoulos (CERN)


This contribution describes how and why we decided to create the “OpInt Framework", what it offers and how we architected it. Last year we began the development of the "Rucio OpInt" project in order to optimise the operational effort and minimize human interventions in the distributed data management.
When we brought "Rucio OpInt" to the Operational intelligence forum we realized that there were a lot of shared requirements with other projects and there was a need for the creation of a framework that hosts all those shared components. After researching the open source market and realizing there was not an out of the box solution we decided to architect our own solution which offers APIs, authentication, authorization, source data fetching mechanisms and machine learning pipelines to the whole OpInt community.

Presentation materials