CRIC is a high-level information system which provides flexible, reliable and complete topology and configuration description for a large scale distributed heterogeneous computing infrastructure. CRIC aims to facilitate distributed computing operations for HEP experiments and consolidate WLCG topology information. Being a topology framework, CRIC offers a generic solution with out of the box interfaces, APIs, authentication and authorisation mechanisms, advanced logging and much more. Every community, small or big, can take advantage of CRIC’s capabilities. In close collaboration with the Rucio team, CRIC can provide interfaces to configure Rucio and tie this configuration with the actual topology of the computing infrastructure of any Rucio user. Configuring RSEs, running on top of the same physical storage, through CRIC can drastically minimise the number of attributes that need to be filled by Rucio operators. The complex transfer matrix between all the RSEs can be bootstrapped and maintained through a simple table and all the information regarding Users and permissions can be organised through CRIC’s A&A system and propagated into Rucio.
The contribution describes the overall CRIC architecture, the new lightweight-CRIC standalone service that can be easily installed and how with minimum effort one can fully exploit Rucio’s capabilities using the CRIC framework.