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DOMA / QoS Meeting


DOMA-QoS meeting 2019-12-02


Mario Lassnig
Mihai Patrascoiu
Oliver Keeble
Paul Millar

ATLAS software week

This week is ATLAS software week at CERN.

There is a slot for all DOMA activities, on Wednesday.  Within this,
there is a short slot for QoS, where Hiro will talk about MAS and
Mario would like to talk about DOMA-QoS.

Mostly recycling the recent CHEP presentation, but also include a
reference to January's DOMA-QoS pre-GDB meeting.

Mario suggested a Wednesday 9am deadline for comments and suggestions.

There is also a tape carousele day within the ATLAS software week, on
Thursday.  That may also be of interest, since it touches on QoS.

Pre-GDB meeting

The DOMA-QoS pre-GDB meeting is on 2020-01-14. 

Currently this looks very empty.

We should contact sites and invite them to present their work as soon
as possible.  We can offer 10'+5' slots, to keep the barrier for entry
low.  If desired, we could extend this to 15' + 5'.


  •  DOMA-QoS introduction talk.  This should describe the work and invite sites to participate.
  • RAL/ECHO contribution -- Ian Collier as an initial contact person
  • Out-of-warranty drives -- contact Alessandro to ask if they would present this.
  • BNL: MAS
  • CERN/EOS -- Mihai to present erasure encoding in EOS.
  • dCache contribute something
  • An XDC talk: FTS, CDMI, storage.

Oliver mentioned he'd just learnt of a DPM site that is using an S3
service behind a DPM endpoint.  This is an interesting example.

Another idea: to copy an idea from the ACCESS group.  Create a Google
document that allows sites to register their QoS activity.  This would
be a Google table.

Table containing: Site name, contact person, description of QoS work.

Paul/ Google doc with intro text, table to list projects.

Mihai + Oliver/ Add EOS and XDC sections in google doc., presenting.
Oliver: Ian / ECHO contribution to google doc, presentation.
Mario: contact Hiro about MAS
Paul: add dCache to google doc.

Add descriptive para: inviting participation

Paul/ add intro text to INDIGO page,

"This pre-GDB session is ..."

We must be sure to build up agenda "backwards", to ensure that US
sites can contribute.

White paper

Mario: available from mid next week (2019-12-11..12) to provide an
ATLAS point-of-view.

We should highlighting points for discussion; i.e., be extremely
explicitly where VOs input is needed (e.g., mark text in red).

Doodle poll

We need a US-friendly time for our meetings.  

We can create Doodle poll "now" and start inviting sites to include
their availability when asking them to register their project in the
Google table and asking them to present at the pre-GDB meeting.

During the pre-GDB meeting, we can mention the Doodle poll again, with
the plan to close the poll a few days after the pre-GDB meeting.


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
The agenda of this meeting is empty