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DOMA / QoS Meeting


DOMA-QoS 2012-12-16


  •     Oliver Keeble,
  •     Mihai Patrascoiu,
  •     Nikola Hardi,
  •     Martin Barisits,
  •     Paul Millar


  •   QoS workshop/Pre-GDB meeting
  •   White-paper
  •   One-on-one meetings
  •   Doodle poll
  •   QoS in ESCAPE

QoS workshop/pre-GDB meeting

We agreed that we are not sufficiently prepared and have not advertised the meeting sufficiently early for it to be a success.  It would be better to shift the meeting to a later date.

After some discussion we wanted a date in February.  Early March clashes with too many other meetings and any later was felt to be too far in the future.

Unfortunately the scheduled pre-GDB meeting clashes with time Oliver has already booked for holiday, so we decided to decouple the meeting from the pre-GDB.

AP/ Oliver to check timetables of school holidays.  This should leave us with at least one week in February.

AP/ Oliver to check CERN room availability over February.

Another activity is to identify sites to invite explicitly.

AP/ ALL to look at survey and decide who to invite.

AP/ Oliver to investigate the EGI broadcast tool.

AP/ Paul, once date is chosen, announce meeting on:

  •     DOMA-QoS list,
  •     DOMA general list,
  •     GDB list,
  •     ask someone (e.g., Julia) to mention the workshop during the next
  •     WLCG Ops meeting.    

White paper

Paul has updated the paper to a 1st draft state.  We plan to have the document finished by the end of the week.

Once finished we can send it to the experiments, asking for feedback. We can offer to dedicate DOMA-QoS meeting slot(s) to go through the paper with them, making this a discussion.

AP/ Paul and Oliver to spend Friday morning finalising the document.

AP/ Martin to add comments by Friday.

AP/ Paul to ask Mario to add ATLAS comments

AP/ Paul to send out white-paper to experiment contacts once it is complete.

One-on-one meetings with the VOs.

We felt that we can achieve the same goal (engagement with VOs and incorporating their feedback) by inviting VOs to specific DOMA-QoS bi-weekly meetings and through the QoS workshop.  Therefore, we will not be scheduling specific one-on-one meetings with the VOs.

Doodle poll

There is a doodle poll to choose a new meeting time, selecting some time that is more US friendly.  This soodle poll is to close on Wednesday 2020-01-15, to give sufficient time to announce the new slot for the next meeting (the following week).

AP/ Paul to send out the Doodle link to DOMA-QoS, DOMA (general) lists, and WLCG ops WG.

AP/ Paul to send out reminder email on Monday 2020-01-06.


ESCAPE is an EU-funded project.  Overall the project is large and one small fraction of this project involves QoS.  Martin, Mario and Paul had a meeting last week to discuss Rucio's involvement in ESCAPE. Paul wanted to disseminate this discussion within DOMA-QoS, particularly as WLCG is one of the organisations within ESCAPE.

Oliver clarified that, once XDC ends (in January) there is no further effort to support QoS development; however, they are happy to support the work when deployed within the ESCAPE testbed.

AP/ Paul to circulate the notes from the Rucio meeting.

Next meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for 2019-12-30, since nobody will be
able to make this, we've postponed the meeting until the following
week: 2020-01-6.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
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