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Missing Transverse Momentum Recontruction in ATLAS

23 Aug 2021, 16:40


Searches for the BSM Physics at the LHC and Future Hadronic Colliders Searches for the BSM Physics at the LHC and Future Hadronic Colliders


Holly Pacey (University of Cambridge (GB))


Missing transverse momentum (MET) is a critical observable for physics searches in proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. This talk describes these various novel approaches and their performance. ATLAS employs a suite of working points for missing transverse momentum (MET) reconstruction, and each is optimal for different event topologies. A new neural network can exploit various event properties to pick the optimal working point on an event-by-event basis and also combine complementary information from each of the working points. The resulting regressed "METNet" offers improved resolution and pileup resistance across a number of different topologies compared to the current MET working points. Additionally, image-based de-noising neural network techniques are studied; these also provide significant resolution improvements and pileup resistance.

Primary author

Holly Pacey (University of Cambridge (GB))

Presentation materials