The File Transfer Service (FTS3) is a data movement service developed at CERN, designed to move the majority of the LHC’s data across the WLCG infrastructure. Currently, the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) Tier 1 runs two production instances of FTS, serving WLCG users (lcgfts3), and the EGI community (fts3egi). During this talk, we are going to present the status of these production instances at the RAL Tier 1 site, as well as changes and developments planned for FTS at RAL over the next year.
The first of the planned changes is in relation to RAL’s involvement with the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) experiment, and the UK SKA Regional Centre (UKSRC). Here we are engaged with helping and designing their networking and data transfer requirements, which will begin with the deployment of a SKA FTS instance, so we can begin the testing on their requirements. The second change is the planned integration of token authentication/authorization methods, which aims to improve accessibility to the service to both our existing and new users’ communities. Testing is currently underway on integrating our EGI instance with EGI Check-in, and we intend for the SKA instance to integrate with INDIGO IAM once it is deployed.