27–30 Sept 2010
Europe/Zurich timezone

Tau trigger and tau reconstruction, efficiency and fake rates in ATLAS

Not scheduled


Analysis tools and backgrounds


Dr Yann Coadou (CPPM Marseille)


Tau leptons will play an important role in the physics program at the LHC. In particular, they provide a useful signature in searches for new phenomena like charged Higgs bosons or Supersymmetry. In addition, they are being used for standard model electroweak measurements and for detector related studies such as the determination of the missing transverse energy scale. Due to the huge background from QCD processes, efficient tau identification techniques with large fake rejection are essential. Tau objects appear as collimated jets with low track multiplicity and single variable criteria are not enough to efficiently separate them from jets and electrons. We report on the commissioning steps and performance of the tau trigger, which is designed to efficiently reject low-energy jets while keeping a high efficiency with respect to hadronic tau leptons identified by the offline algorithms. We present the current status of tau reconstruction and identification at the LHC with the ATLAS detector. Reconstructed tau candidates in dijet backgrounds and W->taunu signal events are studied in data and compared with predictions from Monte Carlo simulation. The performance of the fake tau rejection is estimated in a dijet data sample. We discuss the plans for measuring tau identification efficiency using Z->tautau signal events and the fake rate using photon+jet and Z+jets background events. Both cut-based and more advanced multivariate techniques which make optimal use of all the information available are presented. These standard model measurements are instrumental in validating tau identification for discovery physics.


Dr Yann Coadou (CPPM Marseille)

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