There is an opportunity that Dark Matter is given by additional as compare SM, Higgs doublet (inert model). This Higgs doublet interacts with standard Higgs doublet and don't interact to fermions.
This additional Higgs doublet is realized as 3 scalars, neutral scalar D and pseudoscalar $D_A$ and charged scalar $D^\pm$, with conservation of $D$-parity. In this model D realizes Dark Matter (DM) while $D^\pm$ and $D_A$ are more heavy. Typically $M_D<80$ GeV. The best machine for checking on this model is $e^+e^-$ Linear Collider. The dominant decay of $D^\pm$ is decay to $DW^\pm$ with $W$ either on mass shell (if mass of $D^\pm$ is high enough) or beyond. The main discovery channel is $e^+e^-\to D^+D^-\to W^+W^-DD$. The cross section of this process is about 5\% from that of entire hadron production. We suggest to observe $W$ bosons in two jet modes and to measure their effective mass $M_{jj}$. The signature of this process is observation of these two $W$'s with large missed transverse energy. The SM processes with such production has much lower cross section (additional factors $\alpha$ for each additional neutrino). The details of momentum distribution of produced $W$ allow to determine masses $D^\pm$ and $D$ with reasonable accuracy. The measuring of cross sections $e^+e^-\to D^+D^-h$ and $e^+e^-\to D^+D^-hh$, $e^+e^-\to D^+D^-DD$ allows to determine all couplings of model.