27–29 Sept 2021
Europe/London timezone

New plan: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this workshop, initially planned for 2020, will take place over 27-29 September 2021. The workshop will occur both in person (at Clare College, Cambridge) and online (via Zoom).


Twistor theory has had a widespread impact in mathematics and physics since its origin about 50 years ago. In this interdisciplinary workshop, to take place in Cambridge, we will revisit its main achievements, and will assess the most promising current directions. 

List of speakers: Nathan Berkovits (Sao Paulo), Zvi Bern (UCLA), Eduardo Casali (Davis), Lance Dixon (SLAC), Yvonne Geyer (Bangkok), Rod Gover (Auckland), Claude LeBrun (Stony Brook), Jerzy Lewandowski (Warsaw), Roger Penrose (Oxford, to be confirmed), Prim Plansangkate (Hat Yai), Dave Skinner (Cambridge), George Sparling (Pittsburgh), Ian Strachan (Glasgow), Paul Tod (Oxford), Jaroslav Trnka (Davis), and Anastasia Volovich (Brown).  


Lionel Mason has been at the forefront of almost all applications of twistor theory, both in mathematics and in physics. This workshop will be an opportunity to celebrate his outstanding contributions, on the occasion of his 60th birthday.





Tim Adamo (Edinburgh), Maciej Dunajski (Cambridge), Ricardo Monteiro (Queen Mary London).

Gillespie Centre, Clare College, Cambridge CB3 9AJ.
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Application for this event is currently open.