12 February 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone


CMS Guides: 

Juan Rodrigo Gonzalez Fernandez

I'm a particle physicist from Asturias, Spain, working for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I got my PhD in particle physics with the University of Oviedo on September 2019. I've been working for CMS for more than 5 years. My main research topics are top quark physics and the search for supersymmetric particles. Apart from my reasearch activity, I'm involved in several outreach projects, inside and outside CERN.


Oscar Gonzalez Lopez

   I am a spanish researcher from the HEP group at CIEMAT (Madrid,Spain) working in the CMS collaboration since 2011, participating in the muon detector and reconstruction studies. I am also involved in data analysis searching for new fundamental particles in Nature.



Technical Support: 

Noemi Beni

Zoltan Szillasi