HEP-Google Technical Interchange Meeting
25.03 (all day) : 60 2/023
26.03 :
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Joint Google - ATLAS Technical Interchange Meeting
Google - ATLAS R&D project
Connectivity for sessions via Google hang outs, invitation will be sent to all registered participants (if you don't receive it, use Google connection info below), vydio will be used for Karan's ADC weekly talk and as a backup option
Google connection info :
Join Hangouts Meet: meet.google.com/qdu-bwyf-vxa
Join by phone: +1 484-925-1181 PIN: 658 351#
joint WFM SW and Rucio meeting: TIM Highlights and Project Status Report
in April (after PoC Steps 1&2 will be conducted)
Aleksandr Alekseev
Alex Schröder
Alexei Klimentov
Andrej Filipcic
Andrew Bohdan Hanushevsky
Arturo Sanchez Pineda
Cedric Serfon
David Michael South
Doug Benjamin
Ema Kaminskaya
Fernando Harald Barreiro Megino
Jakob Blomer
James Tulio
Johannes Elmsheuser
Junichi Tanaka
karan bhatia
Kaushik De
Mario Lassnig
Martin Barisits
Mikhail Demichev
Petr Vokac
Richard Bachmann
Ross Thomson
Rui Zhang
Siarhei Padolski
Tadashi Maeno
Tatiana Korchuganova
Tobias Wegner
Tobias Wegner
Torre Wenaus
Usman Qureshi
Vladimir Gerdt