11:00 AM
Python tools for HEP
9:00 AM
Intro to Analysis Design and Toy Analysis
Bingxuan Liu
(Argonne National Laboratory (US))
10:45 AM
ATLAS cmake (part 1)
Justin Chiu
(University of Victoria (CA))
9:00 AM
Containers intro and dockerizing the toy analysis
Matthew Feickert
(Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US))
9:00 AM
Parallel programming
Justin Chiu
(University of Victoria (CA))
9:00 AM
Statistical analysis concepts and pyhf (part 1)
Giordon Holtsberg Stark
(University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
2:00 PM
ROOT Intro
4:00 PM
Version control: Git and Gitlab
1:00 PM
ATLAS cmake (part 2)
Justin Chiu
(University of Victoria (CA))
3:00 PM
Computing resources and how to access them
Rolf Seuster
(University of Victoria (CA))
1:00 PM
Gitlab continuous integration
- Dr
Giordon Holtsberg Stark
(University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
1:00 PM
Machine learning tools and techniques in ATLAS
Robin Newhouse
(University of British Columbia (CA))
1:00 PM
Statistical analysis concepts and pyhf (part 2)
Giordon Holtsberg Stark
(University of California,Santa Cruz (US))