16 June 2020
Virtual Event
Europe/Rome timezone

Results & experience with the 320 BPMs during the ESRF-EBS storage ring commissioning

16 Jun 2020, 10:30
Virtual Event

Virtual Event


Benoît Roche (ESRF)


We will show the results obtained with the 320 BPMs since the start of commissioning from end November till now,
in terms of performance like stability, resolution, reliability,
and for their different operation modes and required functioning.
The preparation & calibration work done before the first beam injection will also be described and be compared with the final obtained results i.e. the minimization of initial offsets or inconsistent readings right from the very first injection.
Results of beam-based-alignment will be presented, as well as the characteristics of the global EBS beam stability, with and without orbit correction.
A few unexpected or surprising features will also be highlighted.


Presentation materials