June 16, 2020
Virtual Event
Europe/Rome timezone

June, 16th 2020


On last Tuesday, June 16th, the 7th edition of the DEELS workshop has been held “virtually” at Elettra. The DEELS series is a workshop where the diagnostics community meets to present new developments and to discuss common issues and enhance synergies between the various Laboratories.           
Due to the Covid-19, the event has been held on line adopting the ZOOM platform. A total number of 57 registered participants has been reached, by far higher than any previous edition. Two sessions have been set-up, each one with 4 talks. Discussion breaks have been provided between talks to give enough room for Q&A which is one of the main characteristics of the DEELS series.

Definitely, the worldwide COVID emergency has disclosed new opportunities to perform joint work together while been apart. This is, in general, an ECO/GREEN approach to our job which nowadays we do need, in this world.

DEELS 2020, the 7th edition of the Series, took full advantage from these new tools, and in fact it was possible to share, in one day, 8 technical contributions in a most enjoyable and interactive way. The quality of the presentation was very good and also the audio/ video quality has been at a very high level.

We would also like to thank all the Colleagues who lively participated to this on-line Event; almost 50 Colleagues joined this first on-line Event, confirming the strong interest for the initiative and the effective need to join and share our work and experiences.

Keeping in touch the people from the Community is a very important objective; we have been always collaborating between Labs and the large number of younger Colleagues, a part of whom joined us today, deserve the highest effort to feel part of the Community like we did.

Wishing you all the best,
DEELS 2020 Committee


Friday 12 June update

DEELS2020 TimeTable is available.

We will begin the virtual workshop on Tuesday 16 June, at 9.30 am (CEST - GMT + 2). We will have eight presentations and 20 minutes for each presentation for discussion. The scheduled time for the end of the workshop is 17:00 (5:00 pm).
The DEELS2020 virtual workshop will be on the Zoom platform and the connection credentials will be sent to the participants' e-mail address.
The workshop will not be recorded. All presentations will be available for download after the end of the event.

Some technical details/suggestions:

  • Since there are a lot of participants, please keep the microphone off while you are not speaking.
  • If possible, connect your PC to the Internet via cable: WiFi sometimes suffers from small interruptions in the data flow, even for seconds.
  • If your connection isn't stable and/or the connection bandwidth is small, consider to turn off your video sharing to spare data and have more bandwidth to see and hear the presentations.
  • If possible, use a small headset instead of PC speakers: when speaking your voice will be clearer since the anti-echo filter in this condition is automatically inactive.
  • Consider the illumination, preferring the light in front of you.

For any question, do not hesitate to contact us!

Nevertheless, we remind that the online Libera Worskhop will be held on the next day, Wednesday 17th June. Information and registration here: https://www.i-tech.si/particle-accelerators/libera-workshop/

Wishing you all the best,
DEELS 2020 Committee




Monday 27 April update

Dear colleagues,

given the many positive responses to the virtual event proposal, it was decided to host DEELS 2020 as a virtual workshop.
It will be an opportunity to maintain contacts between machine diagnostics experts in this particularly critical time.

So, DEELS2020 will be virtually held on Tuesday, 16th June, 9.30 to 13:00 (CEST - GMT+2), extending it to the afternoon (14:30-18:30) if needed.

In order to facilitate the scheduling, we encourage you to register for the event and to present the abstracts using the Indico framework in the DEELS2020 page.

The deadline is Monday, 8th June. The scheduled time for every contribution will be approximately 20 minutes without Q&A: there will be Q&A sessions, at the end of each session.

The technical details about the event will be published in due time, one week before the event.
Any other relevant information will be posted on DEELS web pages.

Nevertheless, we remind that the online Libera Worskhop will be held on the next day, Wednesday 17th June. Information and registration here: https://www.i-tech.si/particle-accelerators/libera-workshop/

Wishing you all the best,
DEELS 2020 Committee


Thursday 09 April 2020 update:

Dear Colleagues,

due to the current, not easy to forecast, CV-19 situation, we have decided to postpone DEELS 2020 to 2021, same period.

Still, in order to have a "diagnostic event" in this 2020, we are asking you whether you would like, and could be available to join us on, a "virtual" event (most probably, ZOOM based), on the Morning of June 16th, 9.00 to 12.30.

Please, also kindly let us know whether you would like to give a 20/30 minutes presentation by sharing your desktop with all Colleagues contacting us via email: deels2020@elettra.eu

All relevant information will be posted in due time to the DEELS web pages.

Wishing you all the best,

DEELS 2020 Committee

Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste and ALBA  are pleased to announce the 7th Workshop of Diagnostics Experts of European Light Sources (DEELS), which will be held from 15-16 June 2020 at the Chamber of Commerce Venezia Giulia in Trieste downtown.

DEELS  is a yearly workshop where the diagnostics community gathers together to discuss common problems, share new developments, and enhance synergies between different facilities.

There is no registration fee for the workshop, but each participant's accommodation and transportation costs shall be covered by their home institute.

Please, note that, due to the logistics, the participant number is limited to 45. The queue will be managed on a "first in, first served" basis.

The registration deadline is set on June, 5th.

This year, the 2-days DEELS workshop will be followed by the Libera Workshop , organized by Instrumentation Technologies. It will take place in the same venue just after DEELS (17th June).

This year, DEELS is supported by the Work Package 8.4 called “Advanced Diagnostics for Accelerators” (ADA) within the ARIES network.

Links to previous DEELS editions:




Virtual Event