Apr 18 – 19, 2018
Diamond Light Source
Europe/London timezone
Diagnostics Experts of European Light Sources

This is the 2018 installation of the workshop for 'Diagnostics Experts of European Light Sources' DEELS 2018. This year, the event is scheduled a little earlier than in previous years, as it is followed by the 'Topical Workshop for Diagnostics on Ultra-Low Emittance Rings' TW-DULER

The idea for these two workshops is that DEELS remains the successful, informal meeting focussing on ongoing work, whereas TW-DULER will be formally organised by a Scientific Programme Committee selecting talks on forward looking aspects and addresses a somewhat larger Ultra Low Emittance Ring community. 

Please use the 'Call for Abstracts' facility here to submit any proposals.

Registration will close 6 April at 12 GMT.

Diamond Light Source
Diamond House, Harwell Campus, Didcot, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom