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RAL Tier1 Experiments Liaison Meeting

Access Grid (RAL R89)

Access Grid


    • 13:38 13:39
      Major Incidents Changes 1m
    • 13:39 13:40
      Summary of Operational Status and Issues 1m
      Speakers: Brian Davies (Lancaster University (GB)), Darren Moore (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))
    • 13:40 13:41
      GGUS /RT Tickets 1m

    • 13:41 13:42
      Site Availability 1m

    • 13:42 13:43
      Experiment Operational Issues 1m
    • 13:44 13:45
      VO-Liaison ATLAS 1m
      Speakers: James William Walder (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)), Dr Tim Adye (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))

      ATLAS monitoring shows first week (since Dec, when MONIT goes back to) that RAL reports meeting the pledge value (avg: 129k vs 132k pledge HS06 slots)
      (Am hoping to conclude study into consistency between atlas monitoring / WLCG shortly). 

      Data Carousel:  Data16 staging submitted 11th March;  No problems observed or reported

      High failure rate in AODMerge jobs (initiated from the data-carousel RPVLL reprocessing),
      batch system kills due to wallclock. Related to the stage-in / stage-out slow transfers.

      UK sites next in line for migration to Grand-Unified Queues (Merging of analysis and production).
      Was expected this week; no update solar.

      Requested a Rucio consistency check on files in Echo; last check done from November snapshot.

    • 13:46 13:47
      VO Liaison CMS 1m
      Speaker: Katy Ellis (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))
    • 13:48 13:49
      VO Liaison LHCb 1m
      Speaker: Raja Nandakumar (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))
    • 13:52 13:53
      VO Liaison Others 1m
    • 13:53 13:54
      Experiment Planning 1m
    • 13:54 13:55
      Dune/protoDune 1m
    • 13:55 13:56
      Euclid 1m
    • 13:56 13:57
      SKA 1m
    • 13:57 13:58
      AOB 1m
    • 13:58 13:59
      Any other Business 1m
      Speakers: Brian Davies (Lancaster University (GB)), Darren Moore (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))